
Chinese, Cantonese (广州话 / 廣州話 )

Chino, cantonesa

I grew up in a family without much religious background. Similar to many others, my parents believed in Folk religion, ancestor worship, burning incense and going to temple, seeking fortune tellers, hoping that all members of the family had good health and life could be better. However, when there were things that happened against our wishes, our hearts felt helpless and lost. No matter whether the outcomes were good or bad, it seemed there was already a destiny pre-destined for our whole life. The meaning and value of life was beyond our control.
During my childhood, I was not healthy and always got sick. One time, there was an accident during my sickness. From that moment I thought about the meaning of life. Life is so short and one feels so helpless. In a matter of a moment, everything is dissolved and disappears as floating smoke. Just at that time there was a friend inviting me to his church. God's radiant beams of glory enlightened me. I heard the message about Jesus who is the begotten son of God. I recognized and experienced His great love, realizing that death is not the end of our human life.
The Bible tells us that the consequence of our sins and our mistakes which cause a disconnection and lose of communication between us and the Creator of the Universe is death. But God, our Creator understands. He truly loves us, He came to seek and save. "For God so love the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". For the sake of setting us free from the bondage of death, Jesus was nailed to the cross, shed His blood so that we can be cleansed from our sins and trespasses and redeemed and restored our relationship with God the Father.
Jesus died but resurrected in three days and conquered death proving that He is God...
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