
The Mystery of God Revealed, Part 4

Passage: Ephesians 3:1–3:13

February 2, 2014 • Pastor Marc Wragg

What is ministry? Many believe that ministry is anything we choose to do in the name of Christ, but that isn't so. We are servants of the Most High God, and therefore we are successful in ministry when we faithfully carry out His plans in His way. Though we are undeserving of this privilege, He has given us the message of the gospel, unfathomable riches of grace which are freely available in Christ, and bid us to proclaim it and to teach one another to obey God and humbly submit to His Word. We carry out this work not only before the world, but before a cosmic audience of angels who praise God's unmatched wisdom as sinners bow the knee and redeemed saints grow in obedience and wisdom. Remember this as you toil in service of Christ: Your charge as a faithful servant is not to make God popular with the world, but to make Him evident to it.

The Mystery of God Revealed, Part 1

January 12, 2014 • Pastor Marc Wragg

What are the marks of someone who is prepared to pour out their life for Gospel ministry? We need look no further than the Apostle Paul to find our answer. The apostle had an obvious passion for teaching the truth, but that passion was rooted in a profound conviction that his life was not his own, and it was tempered by a knowledge that opposition to the Gospel message would cause him great suffering. Paul understood that God had entrusted a stewardship to him, and his love for God fueled his determination to see Christ exalted even if that meant his own death. What about you? Are you prepared to go wherever the Lord leads, or lose your wealth, reputation, friends, or even your very life if that's what faithfulness and love demand? Great usefulness for the Kingdom is often accompanied by great personal suffering and loss, but greater still is the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

The Mystery of God Revealed, Part 2

January 19, 2014 • Pastor Marc Wragg

We want a grace that makes our lives easier, but the grace that God gives radically transforms those who embrace it. It is a free gift that cannot be earned by any act of devotion or service, yet demands that we surrender everything earthly to pursue the treasures of eternal life with Christ. Sustained by this grace alone, we must learn to patiently bear every burden, and to humbly accept whatever honor God chooses to give. Confident in the message of this grace alone, we must resist the pressure to compromise the gospel for fear of man, or to dilute its power with fleshly and novel ideas. We preach the mystery of God revealed to the apostles and prophets, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only message that unites man with God and conforms the sinner into the image of the Son!

The Mystery of God Revealed, Part 3

January 26, 2014 • Pastor Marc Wragg

The inclusion of Gentiles in God's redemptive plan is glorious news, but the shock of it is lost on modern ears. The early Church struggled with the idea that the idolatrous Gentiles, historic enemies of Israel, could become fellow heirs of the blessings and promises of God. Some believed that Gentile converts must first become circumcised Jews before they could be saved in Christ. The controversy over this error caused great anxiety in the Church, but fear and uncertainty gave way to praise as God clearly revealed that He would magnify His name throughout all the earth by saving a people who had never sought Him, and uniting Jew and Gentile into one new man in Jesus Christ. Then as now, the gospel is both a wonderful and difficult truth. If we preach any other message, we may temporarily change a man's circumstances, but we can never change his heart.