
Falling Upward Trailer

Unless a grain of wheat falls...

February 20, 2018 • Sara Wolbrecht

During Lent, we are engaging with the upside-down, counter-intuitive journey of FALLING UPWARD. The Jesus-story invites us to see how the way forward, the way into growth is not necessarily accomplished through all our hard work. The crucial teacher, the catalyst of transformation that moves us upward, actually begins in letting go, falling to the ground, being buried, dying. That’s how growth happens. To be like seeds. The journey up actually begins by moving down. FALLING UPWARD.


March 25, 2018 • Sara Wolbrecht

Palm Sunday kicks off Holy Week with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, surrounded by shouts of "Hosanna!" (which means "save us"). These words echo into our lives today, especially in light our current political climate. Come and engage in the story of Jesus' last days of earthly life.


March 18, 2018 • Kim Saunders & Sara Wolbrecht

One of the core practices at Salt House is both hearing and telling our stories - that stories matter. When we engage in story, we hear the echoes of God's movement and are challenged to live more fully into our own story. Listen as Kim Saunders shares her personal and compelling story of Falling Upward.


March 11, 2018 • Sara Wolbrecht

Today we listen to a passage of scripture through the ancient practice of Lecito Divina. We'll turn to familiar words - Jesus' instructions for the Lord's Prayer - but also the provocative words traditionally read on Ash Wednesday, framing the journey of Lent as one of 'taking off our masks.' Join the conversation as we continue our challenging, transforming work of "Falling Upward," together.