
Training for Mission

Leader Training Videos

What to Pray on a Prayer Walk

January 27, 2023 • Logan Wolf • Isaiah 64, Acts 16:13–14, John 4:39, Isaiah 40:3, Matthew 9:38

Open HEAVENS (Is 64:1ff) - Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence The key here is if they are going to have any success God has to move first.  Open HEARTS (Acts 16:13-14) - The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. With Lydia, it was God who opened her heart. We need God to do that wherever we go.  Open HOMES (Jn 4:39) - Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony Many times throughout the gospels and Acts whole households would believe. We pray for that over communities. Households and communities would come to Christ together.  Open HIGHWAYS (Is 40:3) - A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” We pray for God to remove barriers to the gospel and make a pathway for us to share the good news.  Open HANDS (Matt 10) - "therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” I know the verse above is 9:38, but chapter 10 really highlights the partnership God wants in bringing the good news. We pray for God tp bring new partners out of the neighborhoods we're praying through.

How to Craft a 15-Second God Story

January 27, 2023 • Logan Wolf

It's important to know how to tell your story, but most of us never really think about it until the moment is upon us and we either babble on for too long, or really just crash and burn. Logan walks us through how to give a short and sweet version of your story that will invite further conversation. Here are the 5 basic parts: Introduction: There was a time when... Time before Jesus: add a word, or phrase here to summarize life before Jesus, I was angry, alone, broken, addicted, self-righteous or fearful. Come to Jesus: Add a word or phrase when you turned to Jesus, accepted his call, listened to his voice Time after Jesus: Think of a phrase or two that describe your life after Jesus. This will probably be the opposite of your time before Jesus. Question: "Do you have a story like that?"

2-Kingdoms Gospel Presentation

January 27, 2023 • Logan Wolf

The Two Kingdoms is a simple, easily reproducible Gospel tool that we train new disciples in and use across Utah. It is a tool, so this is not a secret formula. It is just a way to help you express your faith to those around you. We encourage you to practice this often and try it for a while before making tweaks.

How to Train others to Prayer Walk

May 24, 2021 • Logan Wolf

Prayer walking has become a key component of our church planting strategy here in Utah. In this tutorial, Logan Wolf walks through the process for those planning to lead a prayer-walking training for others no matter where you live. He recommends starting with Commands of Christ DBS. For those who are searching, we recommend the Stories of Hope DBS which you can find on the home page of the app under Discover the Bible.