
Hope for the Soul

Mental Health

December 16, 2020 • Derek Murphy • Proverbs 13:12

Hope is a type of protection for our minds. Without hope, we're told our heart becomes sick.

We have to trust that God is working out all things in our life for the good. Acts like focusing our minds on the good, and living with gratitude.

Hope is an anchor for our soul because we know that even if life seems hopeless on this side of heaven, God is going to renew us, even if its on the other side of heaven.

A Full Life is a Free Life

September 15, 2023 • Derek Murphy • Romans 8:1–5, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 5:1

The only way to live a full life is to live a life that is free. What do you need to surrender to God today that is holding you back from a life that is free? Maybe it is shame, expectation or sin. Whatever it might be, God is ready to free you today.

Against Overwhelming Odds

August 30, 2023 • Derek Murphy • 2 Chronicles 13:2–12

Have you ever been outnumbered? Have you had the odds stacked against you? Where do you turn when the odds aren’t in your favor?

What do we do with Weakness

August 23, 2023 • Derek Murphy • 2 Corinthians 12:9–10

When we are faced with our weaknesses, we have to decide what we're going to do with them. The two options we're often faced with are hiding them, or identifying with them. Paul gives a third option.