
40th Anniversary Celebration of the STM Soup Kitchen | Food & Faith

October 29, 2023

Our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Carolyn Woo, is the former President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services (CRS). She was born and raised in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States to attend Purdue University where she received her bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees. Currently Dr. Woo serves on the corporate boards of AON (UK), Arabesque (Germany) and on the International Advisory Group of Equinor (Norway). In 2013, Dr. Woo was cited by Foreign Policy as one of the Five Hundred Most Powerful People on the Planet and one of only thirty-three in the category "A Force for Good." She was one of five presenters in Rome at the release of Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment in June 2015. Her faith journey and work at CRS are recounted in her book, Working for a Better World (Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2015). 

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