
Mary Field and Vincent DeP Goubeau Lecture on Women's Contribution to Church & Society

November 5, 2023

Elizabeth Donnelly M.T.S. presents: Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church

Elizabeth A. Donnelly is the Co-Founder of and Preacher Coordinator for the website Catholic Women Preach and co-editor of Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church, Cycle A. She earned a Master of Theological Studies in Christian Social Ethics from Harvard Divinity School and conducted doctoral research at Harvard in the field of international political economy and ethics, writing extensively on the Catholic Church's contribution to the movement for debt relief for heavily indebted low-income countries. Elizabeth is a member of a group of female foundation leaders who have engaged in dialogue with top Vatican officials on the role of women in the Church and is a frequent speaker and writer on Catholic affairs.

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