
The Legacy of Pope Benedict: A Conversation with Ross Douthat and Christopher Ruddy | Feb 9, 2023

February 9, 2023

Please join us for a lively and insightful conversation with New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat and Christopher Ruddy, Ph.D., associate professor of systematic theology at The Catholic University of America, on the life and legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. The guests will share their thoughts and analyses of Benedict's long life of service to the Church: his early years as Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, university and seminary professor; his rise as one of the leading theologians of the Second Vatican Council; his ministry as an archbishop; his elevation to the College of Cardinals and his appointment as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith during the papacy of Pope Saint John Paul the Great; his 8 year multi-faceted papacy as Benedict XVI, including its challenges and controversies; his unexpected retirement; and the ever-popular comparisons with his successor to the Chair of Saint Peter, our Holy Father, Pope Francis. 

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