
Man's Purpose & Struggles

Genesis 2:5-17, Genesis 3:17-24

May 21, 2023 • Justin Rahmes • Genesis 2:5–17, Genesis 3:17–24

In the End, in His Image

June 4, 2023 • Tim Harris • 1 John 2:28—3:3

God is the artist, wise and good. We are the canvas, marred and defaced by sin. And on us, God is recreating the likeness of his Son, Jesus. Though we have fallen short of God's perfect design for us as men and women, God's grace and Spirit are redeeming his image in us. Our story is not over. It's only just beginning.

Woman's Purpose & Struggles

May 28, 2023 • Justin Rahmes • Genesis 2:18–25, Genesis 3:1–16

In this sermon, we dive into the unique purposes that God gave women along with the struggles they face in a fallen world.

In the Beginning, in His Image

May 14, 2023 • Justin Rahmes • Genesis 1:1–2, Genesis 1:26–31

If we are ever truly going to understand who we are and why we exist, we have to go back to the beginning. The origin of mankind sets the stage and communicates the "why?" mankind exists in the sexual binary. There is a purpose to our existence and that purpose is experienced through our sex and discovered in the beginning of God's word.