
Jesus Prays for Our Good

John 17:6-19

November 14, 2021 • Jordan Boyd • John 17:6–19

Through His High Priestly prayer, Jesus reveals the deep love and care he has for his people.

Jesus Prays for Our Oneness

November 21, 2021 • Justin Rahmes • John 17:20–26

The oneness of the Trinity, one God eternally existing in three persons, seems impossible to get our minds around, yet this "oneness" is the desire Jesus has for his church. It is bigger than what we understand about unity, but it still entails distinction. Oneness is bigger than human comprehension, but it is the spiritual reality of the church.

Jesus Prays for Your Soul

November 7, 2021 • Justin Rahmes • John 17:1–5

Since the beginning of time, man has searched for the key to eternal life. Our efforts to escape death have been vanity and our search will never cease when left to our strength or intelligence. In John 17, Jesus prays for our souls. He prays to give us the eternal life that we have been searching for. But this eternal life is sure and true, because it is found in Him.