Courage in the Chaos
What We Know For Sure About the End
November 29, 2020 • Travis Agnew
While we may be uncertain regarding the timing of the end, God is clear regarding the testing leading up to that end. Daniel’s final vision provides a vague progression of events accompanied by a clear expectation for His followers.
When the Future Seems Unclear
November 8, 2020 • Travis Agnew
In Daniel’s concern about the future, the angel Gabriel provided a needed amount of clarity yet permitted some level of confusion. While the details may be debated, the vision is clear – Christ is coming at an appointed time for a specific outcome.
Throwing Truth to the Ground
October 25, 2020 • Travis Agnew
In Daniel’s remarkably detailed vision of two coming kingdoms, God’s enemies are described as those who throw truth to the ground. No matter how powerful they may seem, God’s truth will endure, and He will ultimately defeat every remaining opposition.
That Platform Isn't Meant For You
September 6, 2020 • Travis Agnew
God gave Daniel the ability to interpret the king’s troubling dream, but instead of taking credit at an opportune time, Daniel unashamedly gave God the glory. Our goal should be to use any platform to represent God rather than present ourselves.
Convictional Courage in a Compromising Culture
August 30, 2020 • Travis Agnew
Daniel and his friends had to decide whether they would be transformed by the culture or transformers of the culture. Just like them, we must resolve to show convictional courage in a nation increasingly hostile to biblical values.
Expectant Exiles
August 23, 2020 • Travis Agnew
When Babylon conquered Judah, the pagan king gathered a group of exiles to alter their worldview in order to reconstruct the whole nation. A small group heeded the biblical command regarding exile expectations and remained expectant of how God could use them during that time.