Some people appear like they know Christ, but over time, the masks come off, and we see who they truly are. Beware of deceitful people who claim temporary or modifiable association with Jesus.
There is no greater assurance to seek than that of your salvation. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life and your present life receives the purpose needed.
The Greatest Gift Given
December 19, 2021 • Travis Agnew • 1 John 5:6–12
Out of all the gifts given to us, none can rival Jesus Christ Himself. Through a relationship with Jesus, we find the life for which we have all been longing.
Calling All Overcomers
December 12, 2021 • Travis Agnew • 1 John 5:1–5
We will be unable to overcome the world until obedience to God’s Word is desirable. Once God’s commandments are no longer seen as burdensome, we can experience the victory intended for us.