
Fugitive: A Study in First Samuel

The Gall of Bitterness

July 24, 2022 • Pastor Seth Amerine

This week we close out our series in 1 Samuel with a look at the dangers of bitterness in our hearts. Take some time to read 1 Samuel 24 and 26 and examine how David refused to be bitter when he could have. In prayer and self-reflection consider if there are any roots of bitterness in your heart that need to be dealt with.

Help Along the Way

July 17, 2022 • Pastor Seth Amerine

This week we examine the friends that helped David during his time as a fugitive in 1 Samuel 18:1-5 with Jonathan, 1 Samuel 22:2 with the 400 men, and 1 Samuel 25 with Abigail. Read these texts and determine how each were good friends to David. Who do you have in your life that are such friends to you? To whom are you such friends to?

The Destructive Force of Jealousy

July 10, 2022

This week we continue our study of 1 Samuel with an examination of Saul's final downfall. We will examine Saul's jealousy and self-centered heart and check ourselves for symptoms of these problems. Read 1 Samuel 18 (if you're feeling ambitious read all the way to chapter 31) and take some notes on Saul's jealousy and what it led him to do.

The Rise of a King

July 3, 2022

Do you like a good underdog story? Do you ever feel like the underdog? Join us this Sunday as we look at the story of David and Goliath and talk about how a simple shepherd boy was able to defeat a mighty giant.