
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

October 31, 2021

This week we look at the 3rd lesson we should have learned from COVID-19, and it has to do with hurry. During the pandemic, with work going remote and schools and businesses shutting their doors, many of us were forced to slow down from the hurried pace of life. This Sunday we are going to be discussing the dangers of living a hurried life and how we can reclaim the life Christ has called us to and how we can eliminate the curse of hurry from our lives. Check out Psalm 23 and reflect on what it means for our Lord to "make (us) lie down in green pastures."

The Church Never Was The Building

October 24, 2021 • Pastor Seth Amerine

This week we look at the second of 3 lessons we should have learned from COVID 19 and it has to do with unity. During the pandemic there were a few things that challenged the unity of our churches - namely lock downs and differing opinions on how to handle the pandemic. This Sunday we are not going to be discussing the differing opinions but rather the bigger subject of how God may have been using the pandemic to teach us how to be the church and remain together in spite of our differences. See Romans 12:5 and Ephesians 2:13-16

Jesus Defeated COVID 2,000 Years Ago (Along With Everything Else)

October 17, 2021

This week we start a new, 3 week series about lessons we (the Church) have learned or should have learned from the COVID 19 pandemic. In this series we will focus on 3 lessons that God has been trying to teach us - not just in this pandemic but throughout history. This week we look at John 16:33 and James 1:2-4 and how Jesus has already defeated this pandemic and every other trouble we face in this life.