
Marginalizing God

John 16:7

May 5, 2019 • Pastor Seth Amerine

Series: Ghost: A study on the Holy Spirit
Sermon: Marginalizing God
Primary Text: John 16:7
Discussion Guide:
 Why do you think the Holy Spirit is the more neglected of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy
 What does it mean to marginalize something?
o How can this be used as a strategy in battle or conflict?
o How do we marginalize the Holy Spirit?
 Read Micah 3:8
o How is the Holy Spirit our “power”?
 Read John 3:1-8
o What role does the Holy Spirit play in salvation?
o What does it mean to be born again?
 Read Luke 24:34
o What is Jesus saying and why does He say it?
o What was the result in Acts 2 of the Disciples following Jesus’ instruction in Luke
 Read Matthew 28:20.
o How is Jesus with us today?
 What can we do to connect with and grow in the Holy Spirit?

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