
"I am leaving you with a gift..." ~Jesus

January 29, 2023 • Pastor Seth Amerine

This week is family Sunday! Our friends from kidslane will be joining us for service and both the students and the children will be participating in the service in many different ways. Because of this, we will be taking a week off from our study in Hebrews to focus on a subject that all ages need to think about: peace. While adults deal with anxiety and worry - it is so important for us to remember that our kids are dealing with it too - at a younger and younger age. While there is much that can be said about this the most important truth to be mentioned can be found in John 14:27 where Jesus says, "I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart." Jesus has made peace of mind and heart a gift to us, available to us at any time no matter what is going on. How can we enjoy that gift? How can our kids enjoy it too? This will be our topic on Sunday! Can't wait to see you there!