

Be Filled With The Holy Spirit [Part 2]

May 29, 2019 • Chris Papazis

Fuel Bible Study
Erased 4 – Be Filled With The Holy Spirit [Part 2]
3 results of being filled with the Holy Spirit from Acts 2
1. They spoke with other tongues
2. They were filled with a joy that was evident to bystanders. This joy is what the Bible calls joy unspeakable and full of glory (1Pet 1:8)
3. They received power for ministry.
Q1: What is the ‘Infilling’ or ‘Baptism’ in the Holy Spirit?
1. The Infilling or Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience that is available to every believer in Jesus
2. It can be described as an overwhelming inbreaking of God’s presence into the one who experiences it. Just as a cup can get filled to overflowing with whatever is being poured into it, so too believers can and should desire to be filled to overflowing with the presence of God
3. A person who receives the baptism in the Holy Spirit will begin to experience a transformation in their personal lives that will be evident to others
4. As this infilling causes the believer to grow personally, their growth in turn will contribute to the Body of Christ being strengthened and the Gospel being advanced
5. The ultimate purpose of this experience is empowerment for witnessing (Acts 1:8) and a deeper dimension of Christian commitment. It will produce true happiness (Eph. 5:19), gratitude (Eph. 5:20), humility (Eph. 5:21), and fruitfulness (fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) (Gal. 5:22, 23).
6. Along with this baptism, the Holy Spirit gives “Gifts of the Spirit” such as speaking in tongues, healing, etc… These gifts should be exercised in a way that can be described as being ‘done properly and in an orderly manner’ (1 Cor 14:40), should have evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in their use, and should have the result of building up the Body of Christ
Q2: Why is it so important?
1. We cannot live the Christian life apart from the power of the Spirit. We cannot be truly loving, patient, kind, etc…in our own strength
2. We cannot truly advance God’s Kingdom apart from the power of the Spirit. Enemy strongholds can only be torn down by the power of the Spirit. People can understand the Gospel only by the power of the Spirit. There is nothing more damaging to the Kingdom of darkness than born-again believers, who know who they are in Christ, are grounded in the Word of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
3. Scripture commands it. Ephesians 5:18 “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,”
Q3: How do I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit for myself?
1. Ask – As you go to God in prayer, make your request known and tell Him that you would like to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We have not because we ask not. Luke 11:13 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?"
2. Remember who you are in Christ – We are not worthy of such a magnificent gift, but at the time we put our faith in Christ for salvation, God made us worthy
3. Confess unconfessed sin and make appropriate life changes – Respond to these promptings from the Holy Spirit. He convicts of sin, but this is never condemnation, rather it is the Holy Spirit’s way of removing hindrances to our relationship with Him. We want to admit it, quit it, and then make appropriate life changes to prevent future failings.
4. Tarry – Wait for it. Lay aside busyness and distraction and focus wholly on the Lord. We are an instant gratification culture. We want what we want, and we want it now. We don’t like to wait. “We are into microwaving, but God is into marinating.” -Dutch Sheets We must slow down and not try and get God to respond to our timetable, but we need to get on God’s timetable. Wait for it!
5. Receive it – The Holy Spirit will show up and begin to do what you asked and start to fill you. At this point there is nothing to do except receive. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. Enjoy His glorious presence!
6. Repeat often –Make this part of your daily walk with Jesus. Set aside time every day and ask to be refilled. This will ensure you never neglect the precious Third Person of the Trinity!

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