This weekend we close out Daring Faith! Join us as we see what it's like to keep growing, sowing and going in faith as we live with anticipation of Jesus' return.
Week 7: Daring To Go in Faith
March 26, 2023 • Tom Stoltz
Anyone who is a Christian is part of Christ’s powerful direction to “Go!” To go share the gospel and go invite people into the family of God. You may think you’re not qualified to do this, but this weekend we’ll look at some things that will give you confidence and ways to share your hope with others.
Week 6: Daring To Wait on God
March 19, 2023 • Kelly Walter
No one ever said that waiting is easy. You may be waiting on God to ease your burden, bring you employment, or answer your prayer. Sometimes though, God has to work on us before he works on our problems. This week we’ll look at what to do when you're waiting on God.
Week 5: Daring To Be Generous
March 12, 2023 • Ryland Walter
Faith and giving go hand-in-hand. Unfortunately, fear keeps us from putting our time, money or abilities into our faith. However, when your boldness goes beyond what seems reasonable, God’s response will go beyond what seems possible. The end result? Less worry, more faith, and a closer walk with God.
Week 4: Daring To Plant In Faith
March 5, 2023 • Ryland Walter
Planting anything is always an act of faith. You don’t know how the seed is growing beneath the dirt. Your reliance on faith prevents you from digging up the ground to see the progress the seed has made. Whether you realize it or not, your life, your family, and even your career is like a spiritual garden. Hear how to plant in faith!
Week 3: Daring To Counter Culture
February 26, 2023 • Ryland Walter
The culture around us tempts us to become a certain type of person and accept the world's value system. Each one of these temptations falls into one of three categories. In this message, we'll learn how to counter those three temptations so we can live by faith.
Week 2: Daring To Prepare For A Miracle
February 19, 2023 • Kelly Walter
Many times in life, you're going to need God to turn a little into a lot. You have a little energy, but you need a lot of energy. You have a little opportunity, you need God to turn it into a big opportunity. How does God turn a little into a lot? This weekend, we'll look at the miracle of Jesus of feeding the five thousand to teach four things to do when you need a miracle.
Week 1: Daring To Give God My Best
February 12, 2023 • Ryland Walter
The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a wasted life. That's why we want to learn to run the plays of faith. The competition wants us to give up, but we're gonna give it the best we've got. Join us this weekend for powerful insights in how to live a life of faith and win the prize God has set before us.
Week 0: What Happens When You Have Faith
February 5, 2023 • Ryland Walter
Thanks for joining us for church today.
Today’s message is part of our Daring Faith series.
Week 0: What Happens When You Have Faith
What is faith? It may not be what you think. It’s not a desire, a feeling, or a way of pretending. Instead, faith is a way of seeing — a way of looking at things from God’s point of view. This weekend, we'll hear the heart behind our new series, DARING FAITH, and see how living by faith shrinks your problems, turns your dreams into reality, and more.
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