
Week 6: How To Bear Much Fruit

May 4-5, 2024

May 5, 2024 • Kelly Walter

There’s a universal desire for productivity — to live a life that counts and matters. The Bible calls this fruitfulness. This week we’ll see how to remain in Christ so we can bear lasting fruit that honors God.

Week 5: The Real Jesus

Andrew Walter

Jesus is amazing. Sadly, our mistakes and selfishness disconnect us from the amazing connection we can have with him. But Jesus has taken the first step to recreate that connection… This week we'll see Jesus sit by a watering well and meet a woman with a mistake-filled past. It’s an amazing event!

Week 4: When The Wine Runs Out

April 21, 2024 • Ryland Walter

People are used to stories of Jesus healing the sick and the poor - but divine intervention for more wine? This week we’ll see what an encounter at a wedding can tell us about Jesus and our relationship to him.

Week 3: How To Leave Jesus Awestruck

April 14, 2024 • Tom Stoltz

Jesus would often encourage people to have more faith. However, in one encounter Jesus was wowed by a man’s faith. This weekend we’ll see the remarkable story of Christ’s healing a centurion’s servant.