
Week 1: Discovering What Is Most Important

Week of February 4th

We all have things we consider to be most important. They are the things we prioritize most in life. Have you considered what is most important to the person you believe in?

Week 7: What To Do With The Rest of My Life

Do you feel a bit stuck in your life? Is it possible that there is no progress because God doesn’t want you to progress down the wrong path? Now’s a good time to ask, what does God want me to do with the rest of my life? (This video also includes a time of communion if you would like to have communion elements prepared.)

Week 6: Learning To Share Christ

Discussing your faith can be challenging. When was the last time you engaged in a conversation about Jesus with someone who doesn't share your faith? Learn keys to improve sharing Christ.

Week 5: Loving My Neighbor As Myself

If you’re going to accomplish the will of God, you must learn to become a loving person. Here are four ways to accomplish the second part of The Great Commandment.