
The Call to Faith

March 31, 2024 • Swanee Gumatay Budiao • John 20:24–29

It is generally believed that a Christian who believes in Jesus must have faith and not doubt. But the truth is, followers of Jesus are not exempted from experiencing doubts. While we are on this side of eternity, we will experience hardships and difficulties that could lead us to doubt God. The good news is that the Bible is filled with stories of real people with real struggles like ours. And today, as we discuss our last encounter for this series, we are going to study together an encounter that happened after the Resurrection of Jesus—Thomas’ encounter with the Risen Christ. We are going to find this in John 20:24-29 as we try to answer the question: How can we have faith even when we have doubts? I believe that if we open our hearts to God, we will learn a very important truth that can help us overcome our doubts when they come and live by faith as we run this race by God's grace. Today, we are going to approach this encounter by discussing the Two Stages of Thomas’ journey of faith and how his encounter also applies to our lives today. Let us allow the Lord to use Thomas' encounter with the Risen Christ to speak to us. Let's begin. 

How can we have faith when we have doubts?