
Serving In Ministry

May 26, 2024 • Romeo Patagnan • Ephesians 4:7–16

Throughout my 23 years of ministry, I have observed that, while all Christians are called to serve, only a few participate. This deviates from God's intention for every believer to utilize their God-given gifts in ministry, regardless of their role. Ephesians 4:7-16 emphasizes this calling, urging the Ephesian church to use their talents to glorify God. This passage, following the discussion of salvation and grace in chapters 1-3, highlights the importance of serving as a response to God's blessings. In this message, I aim to convey to my audience the crucial nature of serving in ministry, emphasizing that it is not limited to pastors or gifted individuals but is an integral part of every Christian's calling.

Why is it important that we join/participate in church ministry?