
No More Condemnation

January 7, 2024 • Rev. Bong Baylon • Romans 8:1–11

People have a natural fear of unknown future tragedies that may affect them or their loved ones. The uncertainty and unpredictability of life can create fear and unease as individuals think about the possible difficulties and challenges they may encounter. This fear stems from our innate need for stability and security, as we strive to protect ourselves and ensure our future well-being.

The anticipation of potential tragedies can be overwhelming, causing anxiety and worry about what lies ahead. However, the greatest tragedy of all is the judgment of God both now and in the future. Through Christ, we can be certain that this will not happen to us anymore. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and we can be certain that we are completely safe in God's great universe, even though there are many uncertainties in the future.

There are three reasons why we can be certain that we are safe now and into the future.