
Overcoming Our Shame of the Past

November 5, 2023 • Swanee Gumatay Budiao, GV Lehayan

Imagine yourself ready to start or restart the journey of fulfilling God’s mission for your life. You know God has called you, you believe He has a purpose for you and you’re up for it. Sadly, there are roadblocks in the way of answering that call, and one of them is shame. The shame we carry from our mistakes, sin and other negative experiences from the past can prevent us from moving forward and hinder us from living a life of purpose. We need to overcome the barrier of shame if we want to live a purposeful life. To help us with this issue, we will look into the life of Moses in order to understand the three shame-based issues he struggled with, which we also struggle with, and what the Bible teaches us to overcome it.