

Easter Sunday

April 9, 2023

Our lives, much like a city, are one intersection after another. These intersections can be unremarkable or unforgettable, mundane or menacing, busy and chaotic, or quiet and lonely. Yet, out of all the intersections you have ever experienced, Good Friday and Easter Sunday emerge as two of the most important intersections in human history. We invite you to join us on the weekend of April 7-9 as, together, we revisit the remarkable collision that occurred between heaven and earth at an intersection called The Cross.

Good Friday

April 7, 2023

Our lives, much like a city, are one intersection after another. These intersections can be unremarkable or unforgettable, mundane or menacing, busy and chaotic, or quiet and lonely. Yet, out of all the intersections you have ever experienced, Good Friday and Easter Sunday emerge as two of the most important intersections in human history. We invite you to join us on the weekend of April 7-9 as, together, we revisit the remarkable collision that occurred between heaven and earth at an intersection called The Cross.