
101 Ways To Blow Up Your Life

Underestimate Sin!

September 5, 2021 • Todd Petkau • Lamentations 1

So, what is ignored, nearly outlawed and nobody talks about anymore…but the Bible mentions nearly 1400 times? What does our culture say ‘it doesn’t exist’, but God says, ‘not only does it exist, it’s THE problem!’? Well, our dive into Lamentations 1 is going to talk about ‘that thing’!

Lack Emotional Intelligence

August 29, 2021 • Todd Petkau • Esther 1—2

Wow! Here is a way to spectacularly blow up your life: lack emotional intelligence as both King Xerxes and Prime Minister Haman clearly did in the book of Esther! In this message, we’ll attempt to understand emotional intelligence and discover how to improve your EQ!


August 22, 2021 • Carolyn Petkau • 2 Kings 17

Loki, Culture, and 2nd Kings

August 15, 2021 • Todd Petkau • 2 Kings 8—15

In week 1 of our series, we explored one of the guaranteed ways to blow up your life: pride! In this message from our study of 2nd Kings 8-15, we’ll draw five more surefire ways to blow up your life. However, we’ll start with a question: on what basis can we even make the claim that there are sacred principles meant to guide us?

Humility vs. Pride

August 8, 2021 • Ben Neufeld • 2 Kings 5