
Not A Fan

The Coronation of King Jesus

April 2, 2023 • Todd Petkau

Are you a ‘royal watcher’? Do you enjoy watching ‘The Crown’ and catching up on the latest news of the King, princes, princesses, dukes, and duchesses? Well, this message visits the coronation of King Charles, Queen Elizabeth, and most importantly, Jesus Christ. It asks the question: what is the significance of the Palm Sunday coronation and what are we to learn from it?

The 6-W's of Surrender

March 26, 2023 • Todd Petkau

One of the proven ways to conduct a thorough investigation is by challenging the problem with the 6-W’s: who, what, where, when, why & how? In this teaching, we will investigate the meaning, function, and significance of ‘surrendering to God’ with the 6-W method, resulting in what will prove to be a better understanding of what surrender actually means!

The White Flag of Surrender

March 19, 2023 • Todd Petkau • James 2:19–20

The Bible contains some rather in-your-face verses about what it takes to be a true follower of Jesus Christ and not just a fan! In this message, we’ll study one of those passages found in James 2:19-20! It’s a shocking passage that talks about ‘demon-faith’ and ‘Christian-atheists’! This all leads us to a dive into what it means to truly surrender to God!

From Stands to Field

March 12, 2023 • Todd Petkau

We often think ‘God doesn’t want fans! He wants followers!’ and yet our passage for this message, Hebrews 12:1-3 lets us know God loves fans! God has lined up all sorts of fans!...but you might be shocked at who they are cheering for! In this message, we will study three proofs that God isn’t calling you to be a fan!

How to Lose a Crowd

March 5, 2023 • Todd Petkau

Many Christians approach their faith as something that is appealing, comfortable, and convenient! However, those are the marks of a fan, not a follower. As we launch a new series we are calling Not A Fan, we take a look at the characteristics of a fan and the words Jesus spoke to the enthusiastic crowds that showed what he was really looking for.