
The Rollercoaster of Calamity | Set Free To Live Free

March 22, 2020 • Todd Petkau • Exodus 16—22

Do you ever find it curious that two people can share the same experience but have two very different responses? Take rollercoasters for instance: one person will be smiling and having fun while the other is screaming in terror or passing out! What makes the difference and is there any way to train your response? This weekend we’re looking at the Israelite’s experience in Exodus 16-22 and our current experience on the rollercoaster of calamity with COVID-19!

The Tunnel of Chaos | Set Free to Live Free

March 29, 2020 • Todd Petkau • Exodus 17—40

What do you do when life spirals out of control and you find yourself in the long, dark, impossible-to-navigate ‘tunnel of chaos’? Well, our journey through the Book of Exodus has us watching the Israelites slip into that tunnel just as the world we live in slips into a similar COVID-19 season of chaos! It’s our hope that this message will challenge and inspire you on your journey!

Flattening the Curve of Fear | Set Free to Live Free

March 15, 2020 • Carolyn Petkau

Most of us have never seen or experienced anything like the COVID-19 lockdowns in our lifetime! Fear. Panic. Uncertainty. Worry. Major interruptions. Cancellations. Panic-shopping. Each of these are rolling through our communities and over our own hearts! As unprecedented as this all feels, we know that we’re not the first to experience these. With remarkable timing, our Chapter-a-Day Bible reading has brought us to the story of Israel’s mass evacuation, panic, and fear, and some very sound advice for times of difficulty!

Behind the Scenes | Set Free to Live Free

March 8, 2020 • Tim Fletcher