
What Shame Does to Families | Stronger Families Workshop

October 6, 2019 • Todd Petkau • Genesis 2:25, Genesis 3:7, Hebrews 12:2

Out of more than 102 different emotions, God called out ‘shame’ as the first byproduct of sin and brokenness! Was this by accident? Just a random selection out of all the emotions that could have been named, or was there something especially important about the power of shame? This message explores what shame is and a few practical antidotes!

Dealing with Conflict | Stronger Families Workshop

October 27, 2019 • Todd Petkau • Genesis 43—50

To be in a relationship is to experience conflict! You would think that experiencing an overabundance of conflict would equip a person to be good at handling it! However, this simply isn’t true! So, we’re going to school on the life of Joseph in Genesis 43-50 to discover “Six Practical, Unlikely and Non-typical Principles for Dealing with Conflict!"

Your Legacy | Stronger Families Workshop

October 20, 2019 • Carolyn Petkau

Everyone leaves a legacy for their family. We will take a look at what we can learn from a family of 3 generations – the good & the bad!

Dealing With Rejection | Stronger Families Workshop

October 13, 2019 • Rick Hill

Every family has its share of conflict. Unless that conflict is resolved in a healthy way, the individuals involved will experience tension, and eventually rejection. How can God give us a healthy perspective on our disappointments and hurts? How do we overcome rejection through positive connection with others? How do we live this out in our families?