
Battling Against Worldliness with Pastor Mel Svendsen

July 21, 2024

Battling Against Worldliness with Pastor Mel Svendsen

Bottom Line:

”Friendship with the world” is often equated with ”worldliness” in a believer’s life. Knowing we must live in and evangelize this world is not the same as agreeing with this world’s system and values when they are in conflict with Scripture.

1. Worldliness is when we respond favorably to the destructive thinking/ideology of this world! James 4:4-6

“Friendship with the World” (Worldliness): When a believer exhibits actions, attitudes, or opinions that violate principles or commands in God’s Word in order to avoid rejection by this world.

A. Friendship with the world = compromising/ rejecting what is right. v. 4

B. Compromising what is right = opposing God. v. 4

C. Opposing God = restricting the work of the Holy Spirit in us. v.5

D. Restricting the work of the Holy Spirit =developing destructive pride. v. 6

2. Worldliness in our lives will be overcome by a humble, submissive, committed spirit!

James 4:7-10

"We must remember that the purpose of prayer is not to persuade a reluctant God to do our bidding…The purpose of prayer is to align our will with His, and in partnership with Him, to ask Him to accomplish His will on this earth."

Plan of Action in Battling Worldliness:

A. Submit to God. verse 7

B. Resist the devil. verse 7

C. Draw near to God. verse 8

D. Take steps toward purity. verse 8

E. Be willing to move from "brokenness".verse 9

F. Remember the reward. verse 10

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