
Pursuing A Godly Identity!

Life Changing Faith - The Book of James

February 18, 2024

Pursuing A Godly Identity!

Life Changing Faith - The Book of James

Intro: The Book of James

Written by: James

Date: 46-50 A.D.

Theme: Faith in Action

Key Verse: "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead" (James 2:17)

Outline of James:

1. Yes of Faith (1:1-18)

2. Characteristics of Faith (1:19-5:6)

3. Triumph of Faith (5:7-20)

Bottom Line:

The most significant and most accurate way to define a person entails understanding that person's deepest held, core, foundational beliefs. For the believer that is found in our connection and relationship with Jesus.

1. A godly, wise identity is best realized by focusing on the awesome person Christ. James 1:1

Defining your identity is all about...

-your core-foundational beliefs that are shaping you as a person.

- They determine the way you think; opinions, moods and reactions.

-They control your use of resources and your attitudes toward them.

- They answer where you came from, why you're here, and where you're going.

I am ... (my identity in Christ):

1. a follower (servant) of Jesus Christ - John 12:26

2. Set free by Christ's work on the cross. John 8:32-36

3. Here to glorify God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

4. Adopted into God's family. Romans 8:15

5. A co-heir with Christ. Romans 8:17

6. Seated with Christ (Authority) Ephesians 2:6

2. A godly, wise identity is best nurtured in a humble heart and mind. James 1:1

A major obstacle to a healthy identity:

Having a Deflated view of God and an Inflated view of myself

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