
Getting Wisdom From God - Part 2

Life Changing Faith - Book of James

March 10, 2024 • Pastor Mel Svendsen

Getting Wisdom From God - Part 2 | Pastor Mel Svendsen

Bottom Line: Following God logically means following His wisdom and truth. Knowing that God's wisdom is far superior to human wisdom.. we should seek. love and obey the wisdom God desires to give us.

1. Long for and love God's wisdom! James 1:5

Wisdom: Rightly applying knowledge to real life situations and problems in a way that honors and obeys God.

Textual Points in v. 5"

a. Lacks Wisdom: takes humility to realize that. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

b. Ask God: go to God's wisdom first and foremost. Proverbs 9:10

c. Generously: God doesn't hold wisdom back from those who seek it.

d. Without Reproach: God never despises or resents us for asking for wisdom.

2. Seek wisdom with the right frame of mind- No Doubting. James 1:5-6; Prov. 3:5-8; Mark 9:21-24

Important to distinguish between: Proverb: Wise way in which we should live that will increase the possibility of a wonderful, desired outcome.

Promise: Something that according to God's Holy character He will fulfill... as He promised according to His plan. Giving wisdom when we ask Him to is a promise from His Word.

Faith, no doubting means: When it is a promise, God will do it. When it is a personal prayer request, we should never doubt that God is able to do what we ask, but remembering that He is not obligated to do it!

3. Have a rock-solid conviction that God is able to deliver on His promises. James 1:6b-8

4. Guard against a negative impact on your walk when things go "positive." James 1:9-11

-Poor Man - exaltation

The favor one finds from the Lord in relying and trusting on God for day to day sustenance.

-Rich Man - humiliation

The foolishness of falling for the deception of riches and their fleeting value.

Now What?

| Never turn away from God's wisdom.

|| Never rationalize following the world's wisdom, which is foolishness.

||| Always be amazed at how awesome out God is.

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