
Submission, Service, and Confession

July 23, 2023 • Mark Shetler

Here are some ideas for practicing the spiritual disciplines of submission, service, and confession:


·      To focus on the spiritual virtue of humility, print James 4:10 and Luke 14:11 on a card and place it where you will see it daily for a week. Each time you see it, prayerfully read the verses and ask the Lord to help you grow in humility and in the corresponding spiritual disciplines.

·      If you want to practice the spiritual discipline of submission, set aside some time to pray and journal, answering the following questions:

o   In the last month, when have I demanded my own way or been frustrated when I have not gotten my own way?

o   Am I fearful of submitting to others because of any abusive situations in my past? If so, have I sought appropriate support or professional counseling? Do I truly believe there is such a thing as healthy submission?

o   How could I be a better spouse, parent, child, employee, friend, or ministry partner if I learned to lovingly submit and put others ahead of myself?

·      If you want to practice the spiritual discipline of service, pray about ways you could serve other believers at the church, at home, at your workplace, or in your neighborhood. Consider filling out one of the volunteer forms on this app and try out a new way of service to the body of Christ. Or do a random act of kindness to someone without letting the recipient or anyone else know what you did for them.

·      If you want to practice the spiritual discipline of confession, ask the Lord to help you have confidence to do so and to guide you into a healthy, encouraging relationship for this. You may want to ask to speak confidentially with a pastor, a Growth Group leader, or a trusted friend who is spiritually mature. For some situations, it may be necessary to join a support group like Celebrate Recovery where you can find others who understand your hurt, habit, or hang up.