
Cross the Line

FEB–MAR 2019

He Went to the Hungry - Jesus Feeds Four Thousand

March 10, 2019

Using two miracles - for emphasis - Jesus reminds us that when we bring nothing, He takes our inadequacies and make them more than we could ever ask or imagine.

He Went to the Outsider: Crossing the Line of Race

March 3, 2019 • Scott Vermillion

Pastor Scott uses the very difficult passage of Mark 7:24-29 to share some of his experiences of racial division and tension, offering a suggestion of a better way to view ourselves and others.

He Went to the Frightened: Jesus Calms the Storm

February 24, 2019 • Leigh Congdon

How does Jesus cross the line in the midst of the pains, struggles, chaos and challenges - the storms of life? Leigh provides great insight into Mark 4.

He Went to the Worthless: Healing the Man w/ Leprosy

February 17, 2019

Discomfort comes from crossing the line into others' pain. Dave takes an in-depth look at the existence of pain thru the disease of leprosy - the ancient and what we would call 'modern-day' - and shares the incredible story of Dr. Paul Brand.

He Went to the Manipulated: Jesus Clears the Temple

February 10, 2019

An oft-referenced example of righteous anger, Pastor Dave takes us deep inside the cultural history and experience of ancient Hebrew temple practices and reveals what prompted Jesus to 'turn over the tables'.