
A Part of the Body

June 16, 2019 • Doug Congdon

Ever been 'drunk on yourself'? Student Ministries pastor Doug Congdon share the key aspects of Romans 12:3-8 and reminds us how we can all contribute to the needs of the Body.

More from Pressing On

Loving Others (and Enemies)

June 30, 2019 • Travis Taylor

What does it mean to love our enemies and how far do we take that? Who is God's mercy intended for - and how far are we instructed to take that? Young Adults Pastor Travis Taylor caps our series on Romans 12.

Loving Each Other

June 23, 2019 • Aaron Foor

In Paul's instruction to the early church, he gives them a difficult task of knowing when to love - and when to hate. Missions and Outreach Pastor Aaron Foor continues in the study of Romans 12:9-16.

In View of God's Mercy

June 9, 2019 • Leigh Congdon