
Song of Relentless Love

April 10, 2016

Why is it always easier to do the wrong thing rather than it is to do the right thing? Why do we turn away from God? Why do we walk away from love?
We often want to control things and we tell ourselves that we don’t need anyone else because we can handle everything on our own. But the truth is we were never fashioned to do it alone; we were fashioned to walk through life with God and it is by His love that we are able to overcome the hardest situations in life. So let’s abandon our pride and trust in Him, let’s choose to walk everyday with God, and let’s choose to love as we have been loved so dearly by Him.

Song of Unconditional Love

April 17, 2016

To do for those who can never repay you is showing God's love. Love is invisible until it sacrifices. Loving people who are easy to love is easy; when you love the unlovable, just as Jesus did; that is evidence of God.

Song of Irrational Love

April 3, 2016

We explore the idea of love, but never exhaust it. When we say God is Love, we are saying it is infinite and exhaustive - bigger than the universe. That's what makes it so magnificent, so compelling. Love is not our personal catalog of experiences we have to describe love - even though they are legitimate: none alone are adequate. What are the limits of limitless love?