
Testimony & Music from Cheyenne

Begin Again

Cheyenne Lewis

Cheyenne is a friend of Rising Above and has led worship for our By the Brook retreats in the past. Hear her powerful testimony of how she has learned to take on each day's challenges with a renewed hope and peace. Cheyenne is a worship leader and songwriter from Cookeville, TN. You can hear her new single Begin Again by clicking below.

There is No Yet

September 21, 2019

Becky and Jeff decided long ago that there would be no "yet" in their marriage. Here's their story and how they stuck together through it all. We know you'll be blessed and challenged by their testimony.

Testimony | Dusti Brooks

June 27, 2020

Originally shown at By the Brook 2020, Dusti shares her story of trial and redemption through her amazing son, Max.

Encouragement to Families

Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson shares wisdom and encouragement on special-needs parenting and ministry, at Longview Heights Baptist Church in Olive Branch, MS.