
The Story: Where it All Begins: Abraham

February 25, 2024 • Kevin Austin • Genesis 22:1–12, Hebrews 11:17–19

We see from the time that by grace Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden that God is in an endless pursuit to restore mankind to a right relationship with him. His plan involves the building of a Nation, a people from which he can call forth the one would save His people. He chooses the most unlikeliest person, it seems, from which to build His nation. A man whose family worshiped false gods and a man whose wife who was barren. To build the suspense after promises Abram and Sarai that they would be the parents of great nation he has them wait 25 years before He gives them just one child. But wait God is not done yet, because then He command Abram to kill his one and only Son. God stops Abraham from carrying out the plan in the nick of time because God will not ask us to do what only He can do.