
Week 8 - Jonah

Jonah 1-4

October 18, 2020 • Tom Hendrikse

Jonah and the big fish are among the best-known stories from the Old Testament and one of its most unusual. However, Jonah's story is really about priorities and obedience, choosing God even over your people, and misplaced anger.

Week 10 - Peter

November 1, 2020 • Tom Hendrikse

The final week in our series looks at the Apostle Peter's life after Herod arrested him, intending to have Peter killed. The church's response to this persecution was to pray earnestly, and God answered their prayers, freeing Peter from prison.

Week 9 - Jacob and Leah

October 25, 2020 • Sam Kastensmidt

Jacob and Leah had a dysfunctional marriage at first. The Bible says that Jacob hated Leah because her father Laban had tricked him into marrying her. Weary from her struggle, Leah leaned on God, who turned dysfunctional into honorable.

Week 7 - Elijah

October 11, 2020 • Tom Hendrikse

Elijah was someone who knew about ups and downs in life. His story has fight and flight, certainty and indecision, and courage and fear. Although we find ourselves in different situations, Elijah's lessons from God are also useful to us.