
Practice the Way of Jesus – Week 2

February 4, 2024 • Pastor Jared Richey

Pastor Jared spoke this week about how following Jesus is a Practice - just like tying our shoes, building relationships, parenting, or learning any new skill. Here are some questions to reflect on throughout the week!

- What is a skill that you had to get worse at before you got better, like the J-curve Pastor Jared talked about? How did you work through the frustration of feeling like you got worse?

- A master will often teach us a particular way of doing things, when we would rather teach ourselves a way that's "easier." What is something you've had to re-learn about your faith over time while walking with Jesus?

- When Peter walked on water with Jesus, he ended up sinking and needing Jesus to pull him up - he didn't do it perfectly! However, he was able to experience Jesus in a more tangible way than any of the disciples who stayed in the boat. Has there ever been a time where your failure has allowed you to experience Jesus more clearly or tangibly than before?

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