
Without Excuse

Romans 1:18-23

January 27, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel

We saw last week in Romans 1 that Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, but was eager to preach it in Rome, the capital city, because the gospel is the power of God for salvation for all who believe. This week we will see that another reason for his eagerness is that the wrath of God is being revealed in the lives of people who don’t believe in Christ. All people, across all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds, are caught up in twisted worship that has dulled our hearts to the One True God. The result is that we are twisted, and it shows up in our lives through twisted sex, twisted minds, and twisted religion. This section will frame up the next three weeks in our study together. This week we will focus on Romans 1:18-23, which lays the foundation for understanding God’s wrath and the impact of idolatry in our souls.