
The Prophetic Witness of God's People

Revelation 10-11

February 28, 2021 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This Sunday we continue with Revelation 10-11. These two chapters are an interlude that follows the 6th Trumpet and leads into the 7th. This week’s passage brings up one of the most controversial sections of the book. There are lots of opinions about the identity of the Two Witnesses in chapter 11. The good news is that this section ends with incredible hope and promise. It also answers an important question for each of us who follows Jesus – what is our role in this world? What purpose do we have and how do we know if our lives make a bit of difference?

More from Revelation

Behold, He is Coming Soon

June 13, 2021 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This Sunday is the final sermon in our series as we study Revelation 22:6-21. It’s always bittersweet to finish up a series. I have loved the chance to walk through this book with you all over the past six months. I hope you have seen that it is filled with hope and intensely practical and important for us. We are living in the Last Days. Not just because we have lived through uprisings, wars and rumors of wars, global plagues, and bugs that emerged from the ground after a 17-year slumber to torment our eardrums. We are living in the time between Jesus Christ’s resurrection and ascension to the throne, and His return to renew and restore all things. Jesus promised to return soon. This week we will talk about just what that means, and how we are called to live in light of His return.

Eternal Glory

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This Sunday is the penultimate sermon in our series in Revelation, we will wrap it all up next week. Revelation 21:9-22:5 gives us a portrait of the future glory of the New Jerusalem. It is a passage that is packed with beautiful imagery, ultimately showing us an image of the glory of God on earth. This is the end point of the whole biblical storyline and all of human history. Understanding it reshapes every aspect of our lives now.

Final Judgment

May 16, 2021 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This passage closes out the third vision of the book. It shows us the reality of final judgment before God that all people will face, and the eternal consequences of our lives. This passage also gives us a taste of eternity in God’s presence as we see the powerful and beautiful renewal and restoration of all things.