
Freedom from Perfectionism

Galatians 3:1-5

September 24, 2017 • Pastor Bill Riedel

Over the past two Sundays we have explored a major conflict between the Apostles Paul and Peter. Paul confronted Peter because the issue of justification was at stake - how we achieve right standing before God. Galatians 2 clearly establishes the importance of our righteousness coming by grace alone, through faith in Christ alone. This Sunday the letter turns back to the churches in Galatia and to the issue of sanctification - how we are made holy. Once we have been given the gift of right standing before God, there are implications for how we live. This Sunday will be intensely personal and practical for us.

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Freedom to Boast

November 26, 2017 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This is the summation of the letter and a final charge from the Apostle. At its center, Paul has a curious statement on his grounds for boasting - in the cross of Christ alone. We're going to take some time together to remember the major themes of the letter, and to see how we are called to boast and given freedom to boast.

Freedom to Bear Burdens

November 19, 2017 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This is a critically important passage if we are going to understand what it looks like to live together as a spiritual family in the church. The law of Christ will compel us to act in love toward one another, bearing each other's burdens and walking alongside one another in sorrow and celebration. At RHC we often use #churchasfamily. This week will help us to better understand what that actually means and how it is lived out.

Freedom to Walk in the Spirit

November 12, 2017 • Pastor Bill Riedel

The letter to the Galatians has turned to full-on application at this point. This Sunday's text shows us that the reality of our hearts will show up practically in our lives. In alignment with Jesus' teaching that a tree will be known by its fruit, we see the fruit of our hearts will show up in how we live. The fruit of the Spirit is as clear as the fruit of selfishness and sin.