
God With Us

Matthew 1:18-23

December 12, 2021 • Eric McPherson • Matthew 1:18–23

Throughout the remaining weeks of December, we’ll be pausing our study in John’s gospel to celebrate the Advent of Christ. Advent allows us to cultivate space in our lives for joyful remembrance and anticipation of Jesus Christ together. We remember His first coming in the incarnation, and we anticipate His second coming to establish His kingdom.
This week, we will be in Matthew 1:18-23, taking a look at the well-known Christmas story but focusing our attention entirely on the descriptive name given to Christ, “Immanuel” which means, “God With Us”. In our study of this name we’ll explore four things: God meets our greatest needs in the person of Jesus. God is the initiator of this great action. The word “with” is crucial in conveying how God intends to relate to us. And lastly, there are excellent implications that Jesus’ “withness” carries for every one of our lives.

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