
The Glory of King Jesus

John 18:28-19:16

March 19, 2023 • Pastor Bill Riedel • John 18:28—19:16

This Sunday we step back into the Gospel of John with John 18:28-19:16. After Jesus was arrested in the dark of night, betrayed by Jesus and abandoned by Peter, He was eventually sent from the High Priest’s house to Pontius Pilate. Pilate was the Roman governor responsible for maintaining order in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. And so Jesus was pulled before the governing power of the city. The one whose followers and friends had identified as the Messiah, the Christ, the one in the line of David whom God had promised and had finally come to deliver God’s people, now stood trial.

This passage shows us the clash of two kingdoms with stark clarity. Throughout it we can see that the glory of Jesus is not the same as the glory of humanity, that the kingdom of Jesus is not the kingdom of this world, and that the call of citizens in one kingdom do not have the same values or ends as the other.

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