
God's Word Does Not Fail

Romans 9:1-13

August 2, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This Sunday we continue with Romans 9:1-13. Romans 9-11 is a very controversial section of Scripture. Some would say that the chapters are an unwelcome intrusion into the letter the Apostle Paul wrote. I think the next few weeks will show us that they are important both to the letter to the Romans and to us today. This week’s passage shows us the reality of God’s sovereignty, a theme that we need in the midst of our current circumstances.

A Vision of Unity for the Church

September 6, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This passage closes out this section of Romans with a strong push toward a vision of the unity of God’s people in Jesus Christ. Before heading into the final, most practical section on the letter, Paul closes this theologically dense section with an explosion of praise and worship for our God. Robust theology ought to lead us to worship.

Warning Against Self Righteousness

August 30, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel

There is a strong warning against self-righteousness in this passage, but it ends with a vision that is filled with hope. With God there are no lost causes. He is working to save all people for our good and His glory. This is a glorious promise that God is not finished with you, or me, or anyone else. Join us to hear the hope we have in Christ.

Faith by Hearing

August 23, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel

This passage shows us the way that the gospel has advanced from the very beginning as God’s people have been sent to proclaim the good news of Christ so that others will hear and some will turn in belief and repentance to embrace new life.