
Psalm 124

When We're Wrestling With What-If's

June 25, 2023 • Pastor Eric McPherson • Psalm 124

The song of Psalm 124 begins with a question: “What if the LORD had not been on our side?”

“What ifs” are a part of our daily realities whether we consciously entertain them or not. More often than not, the what-ifs we entertain are negative: What if I lose my job? What if I didn’t lock the door before leaving for vacation? What if I take this step of faith and God doesn’t provide? What if, what if, what if.

Psalm 124 is written to those who are wrestling with what-ifs. It’s written by King David who has come through to the other side of his what-ifs and now turns to comfort, encourage, and exhort others of God’s goodness, presence, and deliverance in the midst of theirs. Join us as we read Psalm 124 and fix our eyes on Jesus in the midst of our what-ifs.