Our passage this week is a closing warning to the church in Rome about the dangerous potential of divisive people in the church. It’s an important passage for us as we walk through one of the most divisive times in many of our lifetimes. The beauty and unity of the church is itself a witness to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a reflection of our hope that the day is coming when Satan will be crushed.
Watch Out
Romans 16:17-23
December 6, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel
To the Church
December 13, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel
This week we close our series with Romans 16:25-27. This closing benediction to the letter gives us a beautiful, gospel-rich, densely packed summary of the entire letter that precedes. It’s a chance for us to be reminded of everything we have seen and learned over the past year in our study of Romans together.
Servants and Fellow Workers
November 29, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel
This passage lists a whole bunch of names and people that Paul sent personal greetings to in Rome. At first blush, it may be tough to see how it applies to us, but it does! Paul’s ministry is deeply interconnected with people who were fellow-workers. There is a lot we can learn about the makeup of the early church, who were key contributors, and what it looks like for us to work alongside each other even through to today. The church is a crazy mashup of men and women from different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, different economic levels, across generations, all working together as a family on mission. This week is a much-needed encouragement to us this week.
Unity in Mission
November 22, 2020 • Pastor Bill Riedel
This passage turns to the final section of the letter, as Paul talks about his own ministry and personal connections with people. There is so much to learn about our own lives and ministry opportunities! This week we get to see that following God’s calling in our own lives will never be boring. It won’t be comfortable, but it will put us squarely in the middle of what God is doing in bringing hope and healing through Christ, and there is nothing more exciting!