
Jesus is the Better Moses

Hebrews 3:1-19

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Hebrews 3

We have already seen Jesus’ superiority to the prophets, angels, and the ultimate mediator for all of humanity. As we continue this week we will see the first part of a longer argument through chapters 3-4 that Jesus is the greater Moses, offering the ultimate Sabbath rest. Chapter 3 helps give a strong warning against hardening our hearts like God’s people did in the time of Moses. We will take time to see how the text leads us to the antidote for hard hearts.

Jesus is the Better Abraham

June 23, 2024 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Hebrews 6:12–20

After a hard warning at the start of the chapter, the author of Hebrews turns to an example of patience in waiting for God’s promises. While there are plenty of examples throughout Scripture, there may be none better than Abraham. If you were with us at RHC this past fall, this will be familiar because we spent a few months studying Abraham’s life together. We will see how Abraham gives us an example of patience and perseverance in the ups and downs of life. 

Jesus is the Better Nourishment

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Hebrews 5:11—6:12

This Sunday we will take a look at Hebrews 5:11-6:12, which brings us to one of the most frightening warnings in the book of Hebrews, and maybe in the all of the New Testament. We will have the chance to explore what it means to mature in faith and godliness in our pursuit of Christ, and to move beyond the elementary aspects of our faith. We will see a strong warning against complacency or drifting away, and the reminder that our true beliefs will be seen in the fruit of our lives. 

Jesus is the Better High Priest

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Hebrews 4:14—5:10

Jesus has been identified as a High Priest a few times already in Hebrews. Our text for Sunday digs into that theme more fully. In it we see the continuity and discontinuity Jesus has with the Old Covenant High Priest. It shows continuity, meaning that there are clear ties and parallels; discontinuity, meaning that Jesus breaks the mold as the true and better High Priest. Ultimately, we will see that Jesus alone has made a way for us to come directly to God. He took on weakness and suffering to enter into humanity and human experience in order to serve as our High Priest. So, we can draw near to God at His throne of grace and find mercy in our times of need. Jesus is the only mediator we ever need.