This is probably the part of the story that jumps to mind first when we hear Jonah’s name. When we left off last Sunday, Jonah ran from God and ended up being thrown into the sea. In Jonah 1:17-2:10 our man is swallowed by a great fish. As Jonah continued his descent to the roots of the mountains he prayed. We learn a lot about Jonah through his prayer. Read it carefully, all may not be what it seems to be.
Down to the Depths
Jonah 1:17-2:10
May 21, 2023 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Jonah 1:17—2:10
God Loves Our City
June 11, 2023 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Jonah 4
This Sunday we close our series with Jonah 4. We left off at the most unlikely of responses – the people of Nineveh, even the King himself, repented, turned from their wickedness and violence, and pleaded with God to relent. God did relent. He didn’t bring disaster on Nineveh, showing His mercy and kindness to them all. Any prophet would be thrilled to see a whole capital city turn to God in repentance, right? Well, no prophet except for Jonah. The final chapter of this short story frames the rest of the story for us. Now we see Jonah’s heart and motivations on full display. Now God addresses Jonah directly. And as God’s voice closes the story, we will see the only book in the entire Bible that ends with a question. It’s a question that ought to hit us, cutting deep into our hearts.
Down into Sackcloth & Ashes
June 4, 2023 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Jonah 3
God’s Word came to Jonah a second time. Just like the first time, God told Jonah to arise, go to Nineveh, and call out. Would Jonah obey with a second chance given? How will the Ninevites respond to him? As we explore the story this Sunday we will see what it looks like to truly hear and respond to God’s Word.
Running from God
May 14, 2023 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Jonah 1:1–16
This week we begin with Jonah 1:1-16. This story wastes no time before jumping right into it. In this passage we will see three commands that came to Jonah from God: get up, go to Nineveh, and call out. Jonah didn’t really want to go to Nineveh because he didn’t like the people in Nineveh. So, he took off in the other direction and tried to outrun God. For real. On Sunday we will work to get underneath the story to understand what it has to teach us about who God is. I think we’ll all see that we have more Jonah in our own hearts than we want to admit.